Distressed by Decolletage Wrinkles? Learn About our Breakthrough Upper Chest

Establishing a good skincare regimen when you’re in your late teens or early twenties can go a long way in helping you preserve a bright, flawless complexion. That can keep you looking young and fresh through your thirties, forties, and beyond.

Although your skincare routine is consistent, careful, and supported by skin-friendly lifestyle habits like limiting sun exposure, eating a nutrient-rich diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep, daily life’s accumulative and inevitable effects eventually take a toll on everyone’s skin.

While you may have always expected to see one or two more wrinkles on your face with each passing birthday, you probably never imagined you’d develop deep lines and vertical creases on your décolletage or the upper part of your chest that extends from the base of your neck to your breasts.

Because wrinkles, uneven skin tone, noticeable areas of hyperpigmentation, and irregular skin texture are more likely to emerge on areas of skin frequently exposed to sunlight, the skin on your upper chest is just as likely to develop these imperfections as the skin on your face. It is especially true if you tend to wear lower-cut tops and dresses.

You’re not alone if you’re tired of hiding your décolletage behind scarves, oversized necklaces, and high-neck tops. Here’s how our revolutionary upper chest rejuvenation procedure can help smooth out lines and wrinkles, revitalize your skin, and take years off your appearance.

Décolletage wrinkles: A common problem

Frequent contact with damaging ultraviolet (UV) light causes up to 90% of the wrinkles, brown spots, lines, and other signs of aging that you see on areas of frequently exposed skin, like your upper chest, though it may seem hard to believe.

And while using sunscreen on your upper chest every time you hit the beach or head to the pool is helpful, it won’t protect your skin from the cumulative effects of everyday exposure to UV rays.

As if that weren’t bad enough, the age-related hormonal changes accompanying menopause can help speed up the formation of lines and wrinkles by leaving your skin drier, less elastic, and more delicate than it once was.

Because the skin covering your décolletage area is also naturally thinner, less elastic, and more sensitive than your facial skin, it’s even more susceptible to long-term UV exposure and age-related hormonal changes.

Upper chest rejuvenation: An ideal solution

Thanks to ongoing advances in cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine, there are more ways than ever to keep your body looking as young as you feel. But while facelift surgery, Botox®, and breast augmentation will undoubtedly help you turn back the hands of time, none of these popular treatments can address crinkly cleavage.

In the past, laser skin resurfacing was the only way to diminish the appearance of upper chest wrinkles. Although this noninvasive treatment can provide impressive results, its effects are relatively short-lived, meaning you can only maintain your results with regular sessions.

Here at George Brennan, MD, FACS, we recognized the need for a cosmetic solution to deliver superior, long-lasting results so that women no longer have to live with a noticeable contrast between the skin on their face, neck, and chest.

Using an innovative chest lift technique developed by Dr. Brennan, our upper chest rejuvenation procedure is designed to lift and tighten the skin that covers your décolletage simultaneously.

Dr. George Brennan accomplishes upper chest rejuvenation through small, inconspicuous incisions along the line where your bra strap sits. During the relatively quick procedure, Dr. Brennan undermines your skin to gently pull, straighten, and smooth your skin before trimming away the excess dermal tissue and closing the incision.

Because upper chest rejuvenation doesn’t affect your underlying fascia and muscle tissue, you can expect a relatively short recovery time; most women return to their routine within a couple of weeks.

You can also expect your results to last for a decade or longer — many women maintain a smooth, youthful-looking décolletage for up to 15 years with proper skin care techniques. Our Newport Beach cosmetic specialist will give you detailed sun protection and skin care recommendations to keep the signs of aging at bay for as long as possible.

If you’re unsatisfied with the appearance of the skin on your upper chest, we can help. Call our Newport Beach, California, office today, or use the easy online tool to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brennan any time.


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