How to Choose the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Orange County

Rhinoplasty is a complex cosmetic surgery procedure best left in the hands of a board-certified and experienced surgeon.

The surgeon must be able to preserve facial balance and enhance nasal function while producing the intended aesthetic results for the nose.

Patients in Orange County and the neighboring areas receive rhinoplasty procedures from dedicated board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George Brennan.

Rhinoplasty Orange County & Newport Beach

The nose is the main feature of your face; it balances and harmonizes the upper and lower parts of your face by defining your profile and forming your midface. However, an unnaturally curved nose or one that is excessively small or wide can negatively impact your appearance by detracting from other attractive and pleasing traits. With facial reconstructive and plastic surgeon Dr. George Brennan in Newport Beach, California, you may be a suitable candidate for nose surgery or rhinoplasty if you want to improve the shape or function of your nose.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Often referred to as a “nose job,” rhinoplasty is one of the most intricate facial procedures. This procedure aims to reconstruct and reshape the nose to achieve a natural and balanced appearance with other facial features.

Improving the nose’s cosmetic look is often a patient’s main goal after a rhinoplasty. Functional rhinoplasty goals include the correction of nasal obstructions and imperfections resulting from previous nose surgery. A deviated septum is one of the most frequent causes of nasal obstruction, as it can impede the airway in either nostrils.

An Approach for Rhinoplasty

One of the most challenging facial operations is rhinoplasty. Choosing a surgeon who specializes in facial cosmetic surgery and employs cutting-edge surgical procedures is crucial because of this.

A few specialists specialized in complicated reconstructive surgery on the nose, like Dr. Brennan, a facial plastic surgeon with a background in neck and head surgery.

One size does not fit all when it comes to nasal surgery. Regarding their ethnic features, facial proportions, and what would create an aesthetic balance for their face, each patient is different. An Orange County rhinoplasty by Dr. Brennan aims to produce a nose that matches your distinct facial features and looks lovely and natural.

Open Rhinoplasty

Dr. Brennan performs “open” rhinoplasty, which entails making a little incision beneath the nose to raise the soft tissues and skin and reveal the entire structural anatomy. It enables Dr. Brennan to carefully mold the bone and cartilage into the appropriate shape. It is not the same as a closed rhinoplasty, which provides less access to the septum and nose tissues than an open surgery procedure. 

Stabilize the nose, enhance the airway, and maximize the angle and projection of the nasal tip with cartilage grafts, which are usually obtained from the septum. The base of the nose incision is made and placed so that the scar is invisible during the healing process.

Types Of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure to alter the nose’s shape, size, or functionality. It’s one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries worldwide and can address breathing issues or correct deformities resulting from injury or congenital conditions.

Rhinoplasty techniques vary depending on the patient’s specific goals and the surgeon’s expertise.

Here are some common types of rhinoplasty procedures:

  • Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: Numerous goals can be achieved with a cosmetic rhinoplasty. It includes straightening out a crooked nose, making the nose more symmetrical, minimizing the width within the nose, and improving and/or raising the nasal tip.
  • Functional Rhinoplasty: An effective rhinoplasty is done to treat breathing problems. A deviated septum is one of the most frequent causes of nasal obstruction, as it can impede the airway on one or both nasal sides. A functional rhinoplasty may improve breathing capacity and, in turn, enhance sleep, energy, and general quality of life by reshaping the nose.
  • Ethnic Rhinoplasty: The goal of an ethnic rhinoplasty is to improve a person’s nose’s natural beauty while preserving an aesthetic that is true to their ethnic and genetic backgrounds. To get the correct shape, this procedure needs to be carried out by a rhinoplasty specialist who is knowledgeable about cultural aesthetic standards and skilled in cutting-edge nasal reconstruction techniques. Asian rhinoplasty, which typically entails giving a flat nasal bridge structure and definition, and Middle Eastern rhinoplasty, which preserves traditional features to accentuate the Middle Eastern face without achieving an excessively small or unnaturally picked nasal profile, are two examples of ethnic rhinoplasty.
  • Teen Rhinoplasty: We acknowledge that various age groups are interested in rhinoplasty surgery due to its widespread popularity. Teens are not an exclusion. Teenage rhinoplasty frequently aids a young patient in highlighting their inner beauty and boosting their self-confidence during these crucial formative years. Whether you are a parent seeking further information or a teen thinking about rhinoplasty, have a consultation with Dr. Brennan to review your options and find out whether you are an ideal candidate for this plastic surgery.
  • Revision Rhinoplasty: It can be very upsetting if you have undergone nose surgery and are unsatisfied with the results or have new functional or cosmetic problems. A surgeon performing a revision rhinoplasty must employ various surgical techniques to address complex nasal problems such as collapsed noses, asymmetric noses or nostrils, and difficulty breathing. Dr. Brennan is a skilled specialist in revision rhinoplasty, which frequently involves using rib or ear cartilage grafts to complete intricate nasal reconstruction.
  • Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: Injectable dermal fillers are used in non-surgical rhinoplasty procedures to address minor imperfections, asymmetries, or nose abnormalities. The benefits of a non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure include reversibility (i.e., using dissolvable filler), a brief recovery period, and the absence of an outward incision. To reduce the risk of injecting the nose, a skilled specialist with in-depth knowledge of nasal anatomy and injection planes should only do non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Each type of rhinoplasty has unique considerations and techniques, and the choice of procedure depends on the individual’s goals, anatomical characteristics, and surgeon’s recommendations. Rhinoplasty patients must thoroughly consult a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss their concerns, expectations, and the most suitable approach.

Preparing for Your Rhinoplasty Surgery

You and Dr. Brennan will talk about your overall procedure goals and any concerns you have about your nose during your initial visit. Establishing trust and understanding between the patient and the doctor is crucial in consultation. In addition to assessing the nose’s exterior structure and cosmetic form, Dr. Brennan will also carefully examine the inside of the nose to look for any structural issues that might be impairing breathing. That will assist Dr. Brennan in determining which surgical approaches are most likely to result in a harmonious, beautiful, and functionally pleasing result for your nose. 

Following your appointment, Dr. George Brennan – Cosmetic Surgeon Newport Beach’s skilled medical professionals and patient coordinators, will walk you through each stage of the pre-operative and scheduled procedures.

Each patient’s recovery after a rhinoplasty is unique. The recovery timing is influenced by various factors such as the kind and thickness of skin (e.g., large versus small pores), the intricacy of the surgery, primary against revision rhinoplasty, and post-operative instructions followed.

The Surgery Day

You will need a friend or family member to take you home and assist with your care for the initial day and overnight as you will be under general anesthesia. For patients traveling from outside the area, we can help you arrange an overnight stay at a wealthy Orange County post-operative recovery center or overnight nursing care at a nearby hotel.

One Week

For one week, you will be wearing an external nasal splint. It is normal to have symptoms including congestion, fatigue (lasting one to three days), and varying degrees of swelling and bruising throughout the first week. After surgery, swelling peaks during the second or third day and then decreases. The most obvious swelling disappears during the first seven to ten days. If there is any bruise, it usually goes away 7–10 days following surgery. You should only sleep on your back and raise your head slightly (for example, by stacking two pillows) for the first week following surgery.


During your one-week appointment, the clinic will remove your splint and sutures. You can then give your nose a gentle wash. To reduce the risk of bleeding, you should refrain from exercise and severe physical activity for the first two weeks following surgery. After a week, most patients feel well enough to resume work.

Two to Three Weeks

A considerable amount of swelling will decrease after two to three weeks. By this time, most patients no longer feel self-conscious about their bruising or swelling in public or with their loved ones. Your nasal congestion will also clear up by now.

Two to Three Months

Most swelling should have subsided by two to three months; at this point, your nose will look more natural, polished, and defined. A steroid injection through the nose can be administered in a clinic setting to help individuals whose swelling is higher than usual. You can now return to engaging in more physically demanding activities like running, swimming, and contact sports.

One Year

After a primary rhinoplasty, most patients reach the end of their healing process within one year. It involves your surgical incision receding and swelling going down. Depending on the complexity of the surgery (such as a revision rhinoplasty) and the patient’s skin type and recovery rate, this process may take up to two years for some.

How to Choose the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Orange County

Tips to Choose the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Orange County

When considering rhinoplasty, selecting the right surgeon is paramount to achieving your desired results and ensuring a safe procedure. In Orange County, where options abound, here are some crucial tips to help you choose the best rhinoplasty surgeon:

  1. Board Certification: Ensure the surgeon is board-certified in plastic surgery or otolaryngology. Board certification indicates that the surgeon has undergone rigorous training and meets high standards of expertise.
  2. Experience and Expertise: Look for a surgeon with extensive experience in rhinoplasty procedures. Review photos of before-and-after-after their previous patients to assess the quality of their work and see if their aesthetic aligns with yours.
  3. Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge their satisfaction with the surgeon’s skills, bedside manner, and overall experience. 
  4. Consultation: Schedule consultations with multiple surgeons to discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations. Pay attention to how the surgeon listens to you, communicates their approach, and addresses your questions.

By carefully considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can confidently choose the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Orange County to guide you through your transformative journey with expertise and care.

Why Choose a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon?

When a patient chooses a board-certified plastic surgeon for a delicate treatment like a rhinoplasty, they may be confident that the doctor has completed a minimum of years of training dedicated to plastic surgery. 

To provide their patients with exceptional results, board-certified plastic surgeons typically invest in the highest quality and best practices, integrate cutting-edge surgical techniques and technology, pursue ongoing education, and adhere to the most recent safety precautions.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

What changes can I expect to see in the appearance of my nose after rhinoplasty surgery?

The changes achieved through rhinoplasty surgery will depend on your specific goals and the techniques used by your surgeon. Common changes include:

  • Refining the nasal tip.
  • Reducing or augmenting the nasal bridge.
  • Narrowing the nostrils.
  • Improving overall symmetry and proportion.

Your surgeon will work closely with you to ensure the results align with your desired outcome while maintaining harmony with your facial features.

What qualifications should I look for as a rhinoplasty surgeon in Orange County?

Look for a surgeon who is board-certified in plastic surgery, has extensive experience, specifically in rhinoplasty procedures, and has a strong reputation for successful outcomes among past patients in Orange County.

What is the difference between septoplasty and rhinoplasty surgeries?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure focused on correcting a deviated septum to improve nasal airflow and alleviate breathing difficulties. Rhinoplasty, on the other hand, primarily addresses the external appearance of the nose, although it can also include functional improvements. Septoplasty and rhinoplasty may be done together to achieve functional and aesthetic goals.

How do I know if I’m a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

Good candidates for rhinoplasty typically have realistic expectations, are in good overall health, and have specific concerns about the appearance or function of their nose that they would like to address. A consultation with a rhinoplasty surgeon in Orange County can help determine if you’re a suitable candidate.

What are the potential risks and complications associated with rhinoplasty surgery?

Risks of rhinoplasty include bleeding, infection, anesthesia risks, asymmetry, breathing difficulties, and dissatisfaction with results. Discussing these risks thoroughly with your surgeon during the consultation process is essential.

How long do the results of rhinoplasty typically last?

The rhinoplasty results are typically long-lasting, often providing permanent nasal shape and function improvements. However, it’s essential to understand that aging and other factors may affect the nose’s appearance over time.

Schedule Your Orange County Rhinoplasty Consultation Today

In our office, new Rhinoplasty patients first get a thorough consultation with Dr. George Brennan to learn more about what we do. Dr. Brennan takes the time to get to know each patient at this appointment, learning about their goals and treatment expectations. Patients will experience Dr. Brennan’s unparalleled patient care while getting to know the compassionate team and receiving first-rate customer service.

For questions and more information, call us at (949) 644-1641.